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Contact: Eva Wang
Phone: +86 188 8888 8888
Whatsapp: +86 188 8888 8888
Add: Longhua District,Shenzhen,China
CNC Machining
Ltd was established in 2010 and is currently located in 8000 square meters’ facility. Qi Chuang Mold was certified by ISO9001:2015 since 2016.We pride ourselves on our skilled staff over 200 loyal employees.
Located in ShenzhenChina, we are an open minded, innovated company specializing in Rapid Prototyping, CNC Machining, Vacuum casting, Plastic Injection, Stamping, Pressure
Die casting and 3D printing (SLA,SLS, DMLM).
Our international team of engineers and managers has combined advanced manufacturing technologies like 3D printing with traditional manufacturing techniques to provide you with a one stop shop for all your manufacturing need.